50 Pictures has decades of experience in editorial storytelling for all the major UK broadcasters. We’re a friendly team of award-winning researchers, writers, producers, directors, shooters and editors, and we’ve honed our skills crafting story-driven documentaries, factual entertainment programmes, short films, commercials and promos.
50 Pictures StoryFINDING involves deep dive question-and-answer sessions. We listen intently to learn and fully understand your objectives and motivations, the obstacles you’re trying to overcome and the world in which your stories take place. We discover:
By defining your story’s Five Focus Words we keep your story’s vision and direction clear from start to finish;
by identifying the most engaging personalities and their motivations, we build profiles of your cast of characters and potential protagonists;
Once your story's PURPOSE is clear, we brainstorm the obstacles standing in the way;
We map out your Story World and its Four Elements of Place:
Time, Space, Props and Action;
We devise a Story Structure that provides the most compelling through-line for your story and generates a list of potential PLOT POINTS.
Now we have the ingredients for a great story and can work up a Creative Pitch.
Character Development
Story Shaping
Setting the Tone
Refining the Plot Points
Lighting Design
Sound Recording
Producing & Directing:
scripted scenes
Colour Grading
Sound Design
Final Delivery - exporting optimised content for:
websites, social media, television and mobile devices
Once we’ve found and agreed upon your story’s PURPOSE, PEOPLE, PROBLEM and PLACE, and we’ve pencilled in the key PLOT POINTS, the 50 Pictures StoryTELLING Process kicks in. This process is an end-to-end, multi-platform workflow that covers every step from Research to Final Delivery. Our StoryTELLING Process is divided into three stages:
Of course, it’s possible to conceive and create stories without a process, using a hit-and-miss approach that relies heavily on unreliable factors such as luck and occasional inspiration. But if you want to tell powerful, original and compelling stories time after time, you need a process.
Our purpose-driven process creates its own luck. It eliminates costly guesswork and wasteful trial and error, and frees up space and time to develop inspired ideas intentionally.
With in-built planning and approval at every stage, the 50 Pictures StoryFINDING-to-StoryTELLING process is efficient, effective and reliable. It gives you a clear sense of direction and a defined destination. And it works!
We’d love to be your story-driving sidekick for your next digital video. Complete our quick-fire questionnaire, and we’ll send you an invitation to a free 30-minute StoryFINDING Consultation and a copy of our unique guide on How To Find and Tell G.R.E.A.T. Stories.